VIV MEA 2020中东非国际集约化畜牧展【境外展延期公告】
鉴于世界卫生组织WHO于2月28日发布的疫情第39号报告,其中对区域和全球风险评估等级从高变到非常高。VIV MEA管理团队故决定将VIV MEA 2020推迟到2020年8月31日至2020年9月2日在阿布扎比进行。
尽管目前阿联酋仍然开放旅行并且采用了最严格的医疗和卫生管理,但大多数(> 75%)的参展商都同意展会延期是最好的解决方案,因此最后确认所有参展企业延期展出。
VNU欧洲展览会| Jaarbeurs作为VIV MEA 2020中东非国际集约化畜牧展览会的组织者对此次展会负责,并行使其权利推迟了此次活动。参展企业协议仍然完全有效。
我们期待2020年8月31日至9月2日在阿布扎比,与VIV MEA 2020的参展商和参观者相聚。更多相关信息,请访问官方网站。
Heiko M. Stutzinger
Director VIV worldwide
Renate Wiendels
Senior Project Manager VIV MEA
关于展会延期的其他事宜 咨询下方中国团队工作人员 ◆ 海外展会咨询◆ 陈晓婷 Ms.Vicky Chen Tel: +86 21 6195 6067 Mob: +86 138 1629 2150 孙翠忻 Ms.Tris Sun Mob: +86 177 7804 7316
VIV MEA management team has decided to postpone VIV MEA 2020 to August 31st – September 2nd, 2020 in Abu Dhabi due to the situation report #39 from the WHO published on February 28th in which the risk assessment for the regional level as well as the global level changed from high to very high.
This decision has been taken after careful consideration and in the interest of exhibitors and visitors and, above all, to protect the health of all attendees.
Despite the fact that the UAE remains open for travel and has employed the strictest medical and hygiene protocols, the majority (>75%) of the exhibitors agreed that the postponement of the event is the best solution and have therefore confirmed the decision to move their participation.
In light of the above-mentioned VNU Exhibitions Europe | Jaarbeurs as Organizer of VIV MEA 2020 took responsibility and acted on its rights to postpone the event. The participation agreements remain fully effective.
We look forward to welcoming exhibitors & visitors to Abu Dhabi and VIV MEA from August 31st – September 2nd 2020. For more information please visit the official website:
Yours sincerely,
Heiko M. Stutzinger
Director VIV worldwide
Renate Wiendels
Senior Project Manager VIV MEA