越南的动物饲料进口预计将在 2022 年增加
越南在 2021 年的动物饲料和原材料进口受到 COVID-19 的影响,导致数量仅略有增加,但由于动物饲料价格高企,进口价值显着增加。预计 2022 年动物饲料和原材料的进口量将增加。
越南的畜牧业是 2021 年受 COVID-19 影响最大的行业之一。COVID-19 的爆发影响了工业厨房、学校、餐馆和酒店的食品消费需求,进而给农民造成了重大损失。这给动物饲料经销商和制造商带来了困难。
与 2020 年相比,2021 年越南从多个市场进口的动物饲料和原材料大幅增加。其中一些市场是美国、巴西、印度、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、韩国等。
阿根廷是越南 2021 年最大的动物饲料和原材料供应国。从该市场进口 328 万吨,折合 16.6 亿美元,与 2020 年相比,数量下降 19.5%,营业额增长 7.8%。 动物饲料和原材料进口来自阿根廷的产品占越南动物饲料和原材料出口总额的 16.7% 和 33.6%。
美国是越南第二大动物饲料和原材料供应国。越南从该市场进口了 187 万吨动物饲料和原材料,相当于 8.176 亿美元的营业额,比 2020 年数量增长 23.9%,营业额增长 61.7%。从美国进口的数量占 16.7%,占 33.6%在越南的整体动物饲料和原材料出口营业额中。
2022年,越南的饲料和能源进口预计将比2021年继续增加,达到1100万吨,价值超过50亿美元,数量增长5.8%,营业额增长约2%。饲料和能源的进口价格可能会比 2021 年更加稳定。由于消费者对畜牧业和水产养殖业的需求增加,饲料和能源的进口继续增加。
越南的畜牧业被认为具有中长期发展前景。根据越南家禽协会的预测,未来五年越南对动物饲料原料的需求量约为28-3000万吨/年,价值12-130亿美元,平均增长11-12 %/年; 其中一半以上的饲料原料产量将用于家禽业。
Wednesday 16, 02 2022
Vietnam’s animal feed and raw materials imports in 2021 were affected by the COVID-19, which led to only a slight increase in quantity but experienced a significant increase in import value due to high animal feed prices. Imports of animal feed and raw materials are expected to increase in 2022.
Vietnam’s animal feed and raw materials import in 2021
Vietnam’s livestock industry was among the most impacted industries by the COVID-19 in 2021. The breakout of COVID-19 affected food consumption demand at industrial kitchens, schools, restaurants, and hotels, which in turn caused heavy losses to farmers. That creates difficulties for animal feed dealers and manufacturers.
In addition, companies operating in the animal feed industry are facing difficulties due to the impact of transportation activities, which causes increased transportation costs, increased input material prices, and increased feed production costs. Therefore, the import demand for feed and energy in 2021 only increased slightly in volume, while the import value increased sharply.
Data from the General Department of Customs, animal feed and raw materials import to Vietnam in 2021 reached 10.43 million tons, worth 4.93 billion USD, up 2.7% in quantity and 28.4% in turnover compared to 2020.
In 2021, Vietnam’s animal feed and raw materials imports from several markets increased sharply compared to 2020. Some of those markets are the US, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Korea, etc.
Argentina was Vietnam’s biggest animal feed and raw materials supplier in 2021. Imports from this market were 3.28 million tons, equivalent to 1.66 billion USD, down 19.5% in quantity and up 7.8% in turnover compared to 2020. Imports of animal feed and raw materials from Argentina accounted for 16.7% in quantity and 33.6% in turnover in the overall animal feed and raw materials export turnover of Vietnam.
The US was Vietnam’s second-biggest animal feed and raw materials supplier. Vietnam imported 1.87 million tons of animal feed and raw materials from this market, equivalent to a turnover of 817.6 million USD, up 23.9% in quantity and 61.7% in turnover over 2020. Imports from the US account for 16.7% in quantity and 33.6% in turnover in Vietnam’s overall animal feed and raw materials export turnover.
Vietnam’s imports of animal feed and raw materials from some markets plummeted in 2021. In particular, imports from Thailand were 41.2 thousand tons, Taiwan 89 thousand tons, Peru 30.2 thousand tons, etc.
Increased imports in 2022
In 2022, Vietnam's feed and energy imports are forecasted to continue to increase compared to 2021, reaching 11 million tons, worth over 5 billion USD, up 5.8% in volume, and about 2% in turnover. Import prices of feed and energy are likely to be more stable than in 2021. Imports of feed and energy continue to increase due to increased consumer demand for the livestock and aquaculture industries.
According to the development orientation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, in 2022, the production value of the livestock industry will increase by about 5.5-6%; the equivalent output of industrial animal feed will reach 22.5 million tons.
Meanwhile, the results of the Vietnam Assessment Report Joint Stock Company survey for experts and companies in the animal feed industry about the demand for some animal feed products in 2022 show that there is an upward trend in demand for seafood, pigs, and poultry. Seafood is the segment that is expected to see the strongest growth.
Vietnam's livestock industry is considered to have many development prospects in the medium and long term. According to the forecast of the Vietnam Poultry Association, the demand for raw materials for animal feed in Vietnam will be about 28-30 million tons/year in the next five years, worth 12-13 billion USD with an average growth of 11-12%/year; of which more than half of the output of feed ingredients will be for the poultry industry.
Top 10 Vietnam’s animal feed and raw materials importers in 2021
Source: The Ministry of Industry and Trade
Compiled by VietnamCredit